Breathable films are widely used in sanitary, medical, construction, and automobile industries, etc. The film products are used to produce baby diapers, panty liners, adult incontinence pants, medical protective clothing, industrial protective clothing, packing of fresh fruit, roof protective materials, and breathable waterproof materials.
1. Tsis siv neeg thauj khoom nrog kev ziab muaj nuj nqi thiab ntau feem sib xyaw ua ke kev txhaj tshuaj.
2. Lub extruding part sib phim nrog viscosity thiab rheatory cov cuab yeej ntawm cov khoom siv raw.
3. Qhov txheej txheej ntau txheej sib xyaw ua ke khiav system thiab lub taub hau automatic tuag.
4. Tsis Siv Neeg Siab Thickness Ntsuas Ntsuas Nruab Nrog Cov Kab Kab Tswj Tau Ntau Lawm.
5. Kev ua haujlwm siab tiv thaiv kab Casting chaw nres tsheb tau nruab nrog electrostatic ntug pinning thiab ob lub tshuab nqus tsev.
6. Kev ua tau zoo ncab chav nyob: me me qhov sib kis ncab kom nruj li tsawg tensile qhov ntev thiab tsawg heev zaj duab xis caj dab.
7. Qhov thib ob ntawm lub embossing ib feem ua kom muaj kev softness siab thiab txo cov khoom loj tsis tseem ceeb.
8. Lub inline ntug trimming thiab kev ua kom ntseeg tau ntawm kev siv cov khoom siv raw.
9. Lub siab-ceev kev tsheb ciav hlau txhawb nqa online txiav thiab muaj rau cov reel diam hlau sib txawv thiab dav. Qhov kom zoo dua yog:
(1) qhia meej-voj nro tswj
(2) Cov lus teb winding conicity optimology kev tswj kom zoo
(3) Tsis muaj cov kua nplaum nplaum lossis cov kab xev thaum hloov chaw rov qab, tsis muaj khib